Sporting Memories Can Bring New Life to Your Activities Programme

Although their care needs may be well met, social activities are often aimed primarily at female service users meaning that men who prefer more stereotypically “male” activities can feel left out and under-stimulated.

For care homes searching for new ways to meet the needs of older male service users (and females with an interest in sport!), the work of the Sporting Memories Foundation is an ideal source of inspiration. The Sporting Memories Foundation is the world’s first charity dedicated to sporting reminiscence and supports older people with dementia, depression and loneliness via social activities based around memories of watching or playing sport.

Through the use of activity groups based on images of sport and memorabilia, the charity helps older people remain cognitively stimulated, physically active and as healthy as possible and these groups can easily be replicated in your home to bring to same benefits to your service users. Read on to find out more.

Sporting Memories groups can involve anyone with even a passing interest in sport. Even for those who don’t count themselves as sports fanatics, it’s likely that they’ll have reminiscences to share about iconic sporting events such as Wimbledon, the FA Cup or the Grand National. Try bringing together a group of service users and using out tips below to bring new life to your activities programme.

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