The need for forward planning means that even as we head into the summer months, the effectiveness of the winter flu vaccine is being discussed at national level. A new …
NHS England Announces Plan to Tackle Over Medication with a Pharmacist in Every Care Home
A new initiative announced this month by NHS England will see thousands of care homes receive additional support from pharmacists in an attempt to reduce overmedication. Older people in care …
Are Your CQC Ratings Displayed Correctly? This New Guidance Will Help You Find Out
All CQC registered services that have received an overall quality rating following inspection must by law, display their ratings, in order to comply with Regulation 20a of Health and Social …
Seasonal Allergies Create an Increased Risk to COPD and Asthma Sufferers
The recent warmer weather is a reminder that summer is approaching and with it, the opportunity for many care home service users to get outdoors, enjoy the sunshine and boost …
Florence Nightingale Award Winner to Seek Infection Control Improvements
A senior nurse has won a prestigious scholarship that will allow her to study infection control in nursing homes around the world in order to learn more about detection and …
Use the ‘5 Ms’ to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Service Users with Dysphagia and Dementia
A study carried out at a London teaching hospital has led to a new approach to reducing the risk of aspiration in people with dysphagia and dementia. The study, carried …
Check, Change and Challenge: New DEEP Dementia Recommendations
The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) and the Dementia Action Alliance have announced a ‘Call to Action’, to improve the language used when talking about dementia. The campaign welcomes …
CQC Chief Inspector Praises New Report into Use of Music in Care Homes
Andrea Sutcliffe called the report, based on research by Music outreach charity, Live Music Now, and the University of Winchester, “a big step forward in showing what live music can …
Should Weight Training Be Part of Your Care Home’s Activities Programme?
As unlikely as it seems, scientists have suggested that lifting weights could be a useful intervention in improving strength, balance and co-ordination in older people so maybe it’s time to …
Sporting Memories Can Bring New Life to Your Activities Programme
Although their care needs may be well met, social activities are often aimed primarily at female service users meaning that men who prefer more stereotypically “male” activities can feel left …